Nina Hellman is a painter and sculptor with an eclectic background in a variety of art forms. She is also a N.Y. Licensed Creative Arts Therapist who has worked in the Mental Health field for many years, in a variety of settings with thousands of people of all ages and from all walks of life.

As a young woman she worked in theatre during the fertile years of exploration in the 1960’s and 70’s. International travel with extended periods of living abroad were also formative experiences.

She has a BFA degree from the School of Visual Arts, and an MA degree in Art Therapy from NYU.

In many ways, her work is autobiographical reflecting many of these influences and experiences. Her sculpture portraits in particular were experienced, as she worked on themover a period of years, as a kind of meditation on the empathic connection she felt in workingas a therapist, as well as something of the feeling of being an actress embodying a character.

Her water media paintings harness the magic of mingling water and pigment and gesture, brush strokes, splashing, dripping, spattering etc She looks to remembered people, places, events, personal history, travels, mythology, reverie, and stream of consciousness for inspiration.